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Individual Tax Compliance and Complexity

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A Preliminary Look at 2018 Tax Data

Initial 2018 IRS tax return data shows that the TCJA expanded the use of several credits and deductions, made the standard deduction more favorable than itemizing, reduced tax refunds, and lowered taxes for most Americans.

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Sen. Warren’s Wealth Tax Is Problematic

Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently proposed a wealth tax on high-net-worth individuals, a type of tax that is poorly targeted, difficult to administer, and raises constitutional questions.

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Tax Trends Heading Into 2019

In 2019, key trends in state tax policy include reductions in corporate tax rates, updating sales tax systems to include remote online sales, taxes on marijuana and sports betting, gross receipts taxes, and more. Explore our new 2019 guide!

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South Carolina Tax Reform

South Carolina: A Road Map For Tax Reform

South Carolina is by no means a high tax state, though it can feel that way for certain taxpayers. The problems with South Carolina’s tax code come down to poor tax structure. Explore our new comprehensive guide to see how South Carolina can achieve meaningful tax reform.

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What’s in the Iowa Tax Reform Package

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is on the verge of signing tax reform legislation that would greatly improve the state’s needlessly complex tax code.

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