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Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Details of the Senate Version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act shares many things with its House counterpart, but also differs on several particulars. This guide consolidates all of the details of the Senate plan in one convenient location.

3 min read
small business pass-through tax

Small Pass-Through Businesses Would See Some Benefits Under the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Even with large changes, many in the pass-through community are arguing that small pass-throughs don’t benefit since most or all of their taxable income falls below the 25 percent maximum rate. While correct on the small point, advocates miss the greater tax reform picture. Small pass-through businesses would still benefit from a number of other changes.

2 min read
Cell Phone Taxes, Wireless taxes

Wireless Taxes and Fees in 2017

A typical American household with four wireless phones paying $100 per month for wireless voice service can expect to pay about $221 per year in wireless taxes, fees, and surcharges.

34 min read
International Tax Crowding Out

Time to Shoulder Aside “Crowding Out” As an Excuse Not to Do Tax Reform

This paper evaluates the arguments for and against “crowding out” and compares these arguments to empirical studies. It discusses the impact of tax changes on the allocation of national income between consumption and saving, and the allocation of saving between private investment and government deficits. It finds that the crowding out argument is largely based on a mistaken assumption about the flexibility and availability of saving and credit for the financing of government deficits and private investment.

31 min read