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Tax Foundation Discussion on the Harms of Retaliatory Tax and Trade Policies with Senator Blackburn

Tax Foundation Discussion on the Harms of Retaliatory Tax and Trade Policies

Historical evidence and recent studies have shown that retaliatory tax and trade proposals raise prices and reduce the quantity of goods and services available to U.S. businesses and consumers, resulting in lower incomes, reduced employment, and lower economic output.

5 min read
Portugal VAT tax reform options

Mind the Gap, Please! How Portugal Could Reform Its VAT System

Portugal’s value-added tax (VAT) policy is a treasure trove of tax oddities. Thankfully, VAT base broadening is an ideal instrument to give the Portuguese government the fiscal room to implement pro-growth tax reforms

5 min read
2017 tax reform including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act TCJA impact of GILTI FDII and BEAT

The Impact of GILTI, FDII, and BEAT

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) reformed the U.S. system for taxing international corporate income. Understanding the impact of TCJA’s international provisions thus far can help lawmakers consider how to approach international tax policy in the coming years.

30 min read
2024 VAT rates in Europe, including value-added tax or 2024 EU VAT rates data

VAT Rates in Europe, 2024

A few European countries have made changes to their VAT rates, including the Czech Republic, Estonia, Switzerland, and Turkey.

3 min read
Donald Trump China Trade War Proposal Tariff of Abominations Redux: Trump Proposes 60% Tariff on Chinese Goods

Tariff of Abominations Redux: Trump Proposes 60% Tariff on Chinese Goods

The Trump campaign is mulling a massive tax increase on American purchases from China. If reelected, he might quintuple the tax, imposing tariffs of 60 percent on imports from China. The economic ramifications would be significant and unwelcome.

5 min read