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After the Super-Deduction Assessing Proposals for the Reform of Capital Allowances

Leveling Up: The UK’s Super-Deduction and its Regional Divide

As part of the 2021 Budget, the UK introduced a 130 percent super-deduction for plant and equipment for the next two years, meaning that businesses can take a deduction amounting to 130 percent of the costs in the year the investment is made.

4 min read
Portland small business tax rates under Biden tax plan Oregon gross receipts tax legislation Oregon gross receipts tax amendment Oregon education bill

Portland Small Business Owners Facing Weirdly High New Taxes—and It Could Get Worse

Newly implemented county and regional taxes yield state and local top marginal tax rates in excess of 26 percent for many Portland small businesses, and if all of President Biden’s tax proposals were adopted, those owners could face all-in marginal rates of more than 80 percent, far and away the highest in the country going back decades.

5 min read
2021 corporate tax rates in Europe, 2021 corporate income tax rates in Europe, 2021 corporate taxes in Europe, 2021 corporate tax rates in Europe

Corporate Income Tax Rates in Europe, 2021

On average, European OECD countries currently levy a corporate income tax rate of 21.7 percent. This is below the worldwide average which, measured across 177 jurisdictions, was 23.9 percent in 2020.

2 min read
State vaping taxes 2021 state vaping tax rates and vaping taxes by state. 2021 state vapor tax rates (Vape and e-cigarette taxes)

Vaping Taxes by State, 2021

Several states are considering introducing or increasing taxes on vapor products to make up declining tax revenue from traditional tobacco products or to fill budget holes in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. However, lawmakers should approach the issue carefully because flawed excise tax design on vapor products could drive consumers back to more harmful combustible products like cigarettes.

3 min read
intellectual property IP tax GILTI FDII global minimum tax Biden tax patent boxes impact business, patent boxes, software, intellectual property tax

The Balancing Act of GILTI and FDII

The tax treatment of intangible assets has come into the spotlight recently with the Biden administration proposing to undo a policy adopted in 2017 to encourage intellectual property (IP) to be located in the U.S.

6 min read