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Spain digital services tax Spain falling behind on digitalization, Spain Digital Tax, Digital Services Tax

Spain Determined to Cash in on Digital Services Tax

Spain’s digital services tax levies a 3 percent tax on revenues from online ads, deals brokered on digital platforms, and sales of user data by tech companies with at least €750 million (US $893 million) in total annual worldwide revenues and Spanish revenues of €3 million ($3.57 million).

4 min read
state sports betting tax legislation sports betting legislation state trends

States Continue to Bet on Sports

With many state legislative sessions wrapping up for this year, and a new fiscal year about to begin, it’s a good time to examine some of the 2021 legislative trends—and sports betting taxes are among the more prominent.

5 min read
value added tax bases in Europe VAT bases in Europe 2021 vat revenue ratio rate on final consumption

VAT Bases in Europe

As economic activity resumes and the task of accounting for the deficits incurred in navigating the crisis of the past year becomes the focus of fiscal policy deliberations, a greater reliance on VAT could be an important tool in ensuring fiscal stability going forward. Countries should use this as an opportunity to improve VAT systems by re-examining carveouts in the form of exemptions and reduced rates.

2 min read
Major changes for US companaies earning profits from Ireland Double Irish structure Irish tax haven royalty payments from Ireland Double irish structure royalty payments from ireland New Research Shows Major Changes for U.S. Companies Earning Profits from Ireland tax haven

New Research Shows Major Changes for U.S. Companies Earning Profits from Ireland

New data show that the recent policy changes that have been implemented by the U.S., Ireland, and dozens of other countries are having an impact. The question for policymakers is whether they will take the time to understand these impacts before jumping to the next project to change international tax rules yet again.

3 min read
2021 distilled spirits taxes, compare 2021 state distilled spirits taxes (2021 state liquor taxes and tax rates)

Distilled Spirits Taxes by State, 2021

Of all alcoholic beverages subject to taxation, stiff drinks—and all distilled spirits—face the stiffest tax rates. Like many excise taxes, the treatment of distilled spirits varies widely across the states.

3 min read
Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan

Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan and Federal Tax Proposals

Taxes are once again at the forefront of the public policy debate as legislators grapple with how to fund new infrastructure spending, among other priorities. Our tax tracker helps you stay up-to-date as new tax plans emerge from the Biden administration and Congress.

1 min read