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Should the U.S. Copy Denmark’s Social Welfare Policies?

To fully follow the Scandinavian model would require additional taxes that place a higher burden on middle-income earners, but instead, Biden proposes higher taxes on corporations and households making more than $400,000.

3 min read
Louisiana tax reform proposals Louisiana individual income tax reform Louisiana corporate income tax reform

Here’s How Louisiana’s Tax Plan Would Simplify the Tax Code and Benefit Residents

Louisiana legislators passed a tax reform plan that has received overwhelming support in both the House and Senate, but voters will get the ultimate say on whether that plan succeeds. In light of this, it may be valuable to walk through what is included in these reforms and what effect the changes will have on taxpayers.

5 min read
2021 beer taxes in europe. Beer excise tax rates in Europe. Compare tax on beer in Germany with tax on beer in Ireland on International Beer Day 2021

Beer Taxes in Europe, 2021

Finland has the highest excise tax on beer in Europe, followed by Ireland and the United Kingdom. Compare beer taxes in Europe this International Beer Day

3 min read
federal infrastructure investments and federal highway trust fund user fees regressive

How Did We Ever Agree to Fund Infrastructure Investments?

As lawmakers explore funding mechanisms for additional federal infrastructure investment, they should focus on permanent, sustainable, and transparent revenue options that conform to the benefit principle. Permanent user fees, appropriately adjusted to restore and maintain their purchasing power, would serve as ideal revenue sources for federal infrastructure investments.

5 min read