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2022 Kentucky budget tax reform proposals 2022 Kentucky tax reform plan Kentucky legislature, Kentucky tax on vapor products, Kentucky tax reform

Will Kentucky Build Upon Its 2018 Reforms This Year?

As Kentucky policymakers make final decisions on tax relief this year, they should make the most of this opportunity to return excess tax collections in a manner that would also enhance the Bluegrass State’s prospects for long-term economic growth.

5 min read
Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe

Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe, 2022

Many countries incentivize business investment in research and development (R&D), intending to foster innovation. A common approach is to provide direct government funding for R&D activity. However, a significant number of jurisdictions also offers R&D tax incentives.

3 min read
gas tax definition windfall profits tax oil and gas profits oil company profits windfall tax

Windfall Profits Tax Wrong for American Energy

As oil prices skyrocket, a windfall profits tax targeted at oil company profits could punish domestic production and increase reliance on imports.

3 min read
carbon tax research and analyis see carbon tax resources tax foundation

Russia’s Ukrainian War Could Impact EU Carbon Proposal Too

Given the uncertainty surrounding the war in Ukraine, future trade relations with Russia, and the overall CBAM revenue structure. The EU will need to adjust policy when challenges arise as it looks to increase its role in fiscal affairs through new own resources.

5 min read
OECD harmful tax practices, FHTP, OECD BEPS, OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Let’s Make a Global Tax Deal

Late last year, over 130 countries agreed to a global minimum tax, a purported end-all and be-all to the “race to the bottom.” But this policy is complex, and countries are already struggling to implement these new rules. We talk through how this policy came to be, identify where problems are beginning to arise, and dispel some common myths about this emerging new tax system.