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tax wedge US tax burden on labor payroll tax burden an average wage worker with no children tax burden

The U.S. Tax Burden on Labor, 2022

Although the U.S. has a progressive tax system and a relatively low tax burden compared to the OECD average, average-wage workers still pay nearly 30 percent of their wages in taxes.

4 min read
Carbon Taxes and the Future of Tax Reform, See more on green tax and climate change tax reform proposals

Carbon Taxes and the Future of Green Tax Reform

Our new analysis reviews the basic structure of carbon taxes, how they compare to the existing set of climate policies, and how they could fit into various pro-growth tax reform packages.

26 min read
Biden corporate minimum tax global tax deal international tax corporate tax corporate global minimum tax proposal

4 Things to Know About the Global Tax Debate

The Biden administration has been supportive of the negotiations, but the changes should be reviewed in the context of recent policy changes in the U.S. and elsewhere, the general landscape of business taxation in the U.S., and potential challenges and risks arising from the global tax deal.

3 min read
US multinationals are large employers and investors in the US See FDI us employment impact

Why FDI Matters for U.S. Employment, Wages, and Productivity

Contrary to the Biden administration’s claims, raising taxes on cross-border investment would hurt U.S. economic growth and jobs. Research shows that FDI creates jobs in the U.S. and raises workers’ wages and productivity.

5 min read