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mark-to-market definition MTM tax New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) threatens to relocate servers over New Jersey financial transaction tax. Learn more about NJ financial transaction tax proposal.increasing taxes on capital gains, increasing capital gains taxes, increasing capital gains tax

The Impact of a Financial Transaction Tax

Policymakers should exercise caution in deciding whether to enact an FTT given the uncertainty regarding the FTT’s ability to raise revenue and the significant damage it could cause to the U.S. financial system

39 min read
capital gains taxes, high capital gains tax rates

Looking Back on Taxation of Capital Gains

When considering options to eliminate the deferral advantage of capital gains taxation, a lookback charge provides a reasonable solution for taxing hard-to-value assets. However, policymakers need to understand the limitations of a lookback charge compared to both mark-to-market taxation and the current system.

16 min read
e-cigarette tax, taxing nicotine products, nicotine tax, vaping, vapor

Taxing Nicotine Products: A Primer

New nicotine products, along with a greater consciousness about the dangers of smoking, have prompted millions to give up smoking. This has contributed to federal and state excise tax collections on tobacco products declining since 2010. Our new report outlines the best way to tax nicotine products based on health outcomes and revenue stability.

49 min read