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D.C. Council to Consider Tax Hike Despite Balanced Budget

Despite a balanced budget and and revenue shortfalls arising from the coronavirus crisis, the D.C. Council will consider proposals to raise income taxes to fund newly proposed spending projects.

5 min read
cost recovery expensing capital allowances factory

Inefficiencies Created by the Tax System’s Dependence on Economic Depreciation

One idea that would help the nation’s economic recovery during the coronavirus crisis would be moving to full expensing of capital investment. The depreciation debate might seem confusing, so the question at hand is: how, when, and by what amount can businesses recognize (or recover) the cost of a capital investment, like a piece of equipment or a new warehouse, on their income tax return?

6 min read
Colorado proposition 121 Colorado proposition FF Colorado income tax reduction or cut election results 2021 tax ballot measures Colorado proposition 119 Colorado proposition 120 Colorado proposition CC, Colorado TABOR, Colorado public education, Colorado education funding

Colorado Tobacco Tax Bill Includes Positive Change

While it is understandable that lawmakers and organizers are worried about Colorado’s financial situation, they should remember that narrow taxes are volatile and disrupt markets. Excise taxes can play a role in state revenues even as policymakers appreciate that excise taxes are not viable long-term revenue tools for general spending priorities.

4 min read

New Jersey Considers Bonds Paid for by Statewide Property Tax

As New Jersey lawmakers grapple with reduced revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, they have turned to an unusual solution: the issuance of bonds that would be repaid, if necessary, through temporarily higher sales and property taxes.

2 min read
Sports betting tax treatment of sports betting operators and gross gaming revenue

Sports Betting Will Not Solve State Budget Crises

The pandemic has left states in dire straits financially and lawmakers are getting creative in their pursuit of new revenue sources. However, it’s unlikely that revenue from sports betting will have any meaningful impact on budget shortfalls

3 min read