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Africa tax revenue, revenue statistics in Africa, VAT is the most important tax revenue source in Africa

OECD Report: Tax Revenue in African Countries

Taxes on goods and services were on average the greatest source of tax revenue for African countries, at over 50 percent of total tax revenues. VAT contributed on average 30 percent, making it the most important tax on goods and services.

6 min read
entrepreneur talk tax challenges, entrepreneurs and tax barrier to entrepreneurship

Taxing Times: One Virginia Brewer's Experience During COVID-19

We sat down with the owners of Black Narrows Brewing Company, a family-owned craft brewery situated in a small island-town on Virginia’s scenic Eastern Shore, to discuss the challenges they face as a small business during COVID-19 and what they would like to see legislators do to reduce short- and long-term barriers for entrepreneurs.

Bipartisan tax policy roots

The Future of Tax Policy with Douglas Holtz-Eakin

What do election results mean for the future of the federal tax code? What role will tax policy play in curbing the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic? How should policymakers address the federal deficit and could a carbon tax be part of that solution? How much of President-elect Joe Biden’s pre-election tax plan will actually come to pass?

Increasing the Tax Burden on Capital Investment and Automation Hurts Workers, taxing automation, use of robots and automation

Increasing the Tax Burden on Capital Investment and Automation Hurts Workers

There has been an ongoing debate about how automation and the use of robots in the workplace has impacted workers’ wages and employment. Recently, MIT and Boston University economists examined whether tax policy favors certain forms of automation that puts workers at a competitive disadvantage.

7 min read
Remote work tax revenue implications digital nomad visas, digital nomads, tax incentives for remote workers. Deutsche Bank tax work-from-home tax Deutsche Bank privilege tax on remote work

No, We Don’t Need a Federal Work-From-Home Tax

A recent Deutsche Bank analysis proposes a federal work-from-home tax (“privilege tax”), which is designed to strip away the financial benefit of remote work.

5 min read