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Ranking state sales tax codes on the 2021 State Business Tax Climate Index. Best and worst sales tax codes in the United States, best and worst state sales tax codes in the U.S.

Ranking Sales Taxes on the 2021 State Business Tax Climate Index

An ideal sales tax applies to a broad base of final consumer goods and services, with few exemptions, and is levied at a low rate. Broad-based, low-rate tax structures minimize tax-induced economic distortions that can occur when people change their purchasing behavior because of tax differences.

3 min read
patent box regimes, European intellectual property tax, IP, patent box regimes, IP regimes, licensing

Patent Box Regimes in Europe, 2020

Patent box regimes (also referred to as intellectual property, or IP, regimes) provide lower effective tax rates on income derived from IP.

4 min read
Cigarette taxes by state, cigarette smuggling by state, cigarette tax rates by state, illicit cigarette trade 2021 excise taxes and 2021 excise tax trends

Cigarette Taxes and Cigarette Smuggling by State, 2018

Excessive tax rates on cigarettes in some states induce substantial black and gray market movement of tobacco products into high-tax states from low-tax states or foreign sources. New York has the highest inbound smuggling activity, with an estimated 53.2 percent of cigarettes consumed in the state deriving from smuggled sources.

13 min read
Ranking state corporate tax codes on the 2021 State Business Tax Climate Index. Best and worst corporate tax codes in the United States, best and worst state corporate tax codes in the U.S.

Ranking Corporate Income Taxes on the 2021 State Business Tax Climate Index

The corporate tax component of our Index measures each state’s principal tax on business activities. Most states levy a corporate income tax on a company’s profits (receipts minus most business expenses, including compensation and the cost of goods sold), while some states levy gross receipts taxes, which allow few or no deductions for a company’s expenses.

2 min read