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Understanding Full Expensing in the United Kingdom
Given the positive contribution of full expensing to economic growth and that the UK already incurred the peak-year costs due to the existing policy, it is imperative to maintain it permanently.
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The European Union’s ViDA Proposal: Ignoring Principles Does Not Make Tax Policy Fairer
Adopting tax policy based on sound principles like neutrality rather than political expediency is essential for the European Union’s fiscal future.
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Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2024
23 European countries have implemented carbon taxes, ranging from less than €1 per metric ton of carbon emissions in Ukraine to more than €100 in Sweden, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.
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Tax Burden on Labor in Europe, 2024
To make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.
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Overview and Analysis of the Impact of Marginal Taxes on High Incomes in the European Union
The recent push to increase taxes on the wealthy has gained significant traction across Europe. This report highlights the obstacles and complex interplay between tax policy and economic behavior, suggesting that simply raising tax rates on the wealthy might not yield the intended social benefits.
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A Journey Through Germany’s Tax Laws
Get ready to hit the autobahn and explore the world of German taxes! We’ll navigate the complexities of Germany’s tax structure.

New Report Identifies Challenges with Global Minimum Tax Implementation in the EU
European Union Member States are in the process of implementing the global minimum tax in line with a directive unanimously agreed to at the end of 2022.
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Net Operating Loss Carryforward and Carryback Provisions in Europe, 2024
Carryover provisions help businesses “smooth” their risk and income, making the tax code more neutral across investments and over time.
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Trade Tax Rates in Germany
Varying local trade tax rates impact business investment and local government revenue across Germany’s municipalities.
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The European Election and Tax Policy: Mapping Tax Policy Visions across European Political Groups
On Europe Day, our experts explore how the decisions made in the upcoming elections will shape the trajectory of the continent for years to come.
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