Tax Foundation Europe experts are regularly relied upon to testify before government institutions and parliaments throughout Europe.
Featured Testimony

Testimony: International Tax Avoidance
Lawmakers should aim for policies that support investment and hiring in the United States and refining anti-avoidance measures to improve administrability and lower compliance costs.

Testimony: The OECD’s Pillar One Project and the Future of Digital Services Taxes
If a multilateral solution to remove digital services taxes (DSTs) is not agreed to, then DSTs will continue to spread and mutate with negative impacts on some of the most innovative companies in the world.

Testimony: Capital Gains Taxation in the EU
It is essential to understand that the taxation of capital gains places a double tax on corporate income.
All Testimony

Tax Foundation Response to UN Request for Public Input on a Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation
The global economy needs policymakers who are invested in seeing growth recover and avoiding unnecessary barriers to cross-border trade and investment. The challenges countries face will become even more difficult to solve in a stagnant global economy.

Testimony: Capital Gains Taxation in the EU
It is essential to understand that the taxation of capital gains places a double tax on corporate income.

Testimony: The Role of Corporate Taxation in the European Union’s Future Tax Policy Mix
As policymakers shift their focus away from tax rates and look to harmonize the EU’s corporate tax base, they should understand the benefits of full expensing.

Testimony: EU Parliament Subcommittee on Tax Matters Hearing on the Impact of National Tax Reforms on the EU Economy
Tax Foundation testimony on the diversity of tax systems within the EU, three important ways to consider reforms by Member States, and several recommendations for the EU Parliament’s Subcommittee on Tax Matters to consider.