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A Mis-STEP for the European Union: The New Subsidy Race to the Bottom
Enhancing the European Union’s competitiveness is necessary, but the European Commission’s latest attempt is the wrong approach.
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Diesel and Gas Taxes in Europe, 2023
As the EU pursues massive changes in public policy as part of its green transition, expect fuel taxes to be central to any policy discussions.
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Examining the EU Corporate Own Resources Proposal: Implications and Challenges
The European Commission proposed a new source of revenue as part of its second basket of own resources: a “temporary statistical own resource based on company profits.” This is an attempt to bolster the EU’s budget as it repays its debt.
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The Wealth Tax Discussion Is Back
Given that wealth taxes collect little revenue and have the potential to disincentivize entrepreneurship and investment, perhaps European countries should repeal them rather than implement one across the continent.
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Windfall Profit Taxes in Europe, 2023
It’s unlikely these implemented and proposed windfall taxes will achieve their goals of raising additional revenues without distorting the market. Instead, they would penalize domestic production and punitively target certain industries without a sound tax base.
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Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe, 2023
In most European OECD countries, corporate income is taxed twice, once at the entity level and once at the shareholder level.
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Tax Ideas for the EU Green Transition
The past few years have brought a renewed push from countries across the globe to combat climate change. In the European Union, policymakers have put a timeline on their climate agenda. By 2050, the EU wants to achieve a net-zero economy. Sean Bray, director of European policy, breaks down how much it would cost to achieve this goal.

Tax Burden on Labor in Europe, 2023
To make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.
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Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2023
Instead of reforming and hiking the wealth tax, perhaps policymakers should consider whether the tax is serving its intended objectives, and, if not, consider repealing the tax altogether.
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