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Effective tax rates on the top o.1 percent of u.s. households, taxing the rich, taxes on the rich, tax the rich

Comparing Wealth Taxation and Income Taxes

A low wealth tax rate is equivalent to a high-rate income tax. The interaction between wealth taxes and the existing income taxes must be considered when analyzing a wealth tax plan.

6 min read
Comparing 2020 capital gains proposals

Comparing Capital Gains Tax Proposals by 2020 Presidential Candidates

Biden, Sanders, and Warren have staked out similar plans to increase capital gains taxes on the wealthiest Americans. While all three candidates have called for taxing capital gains at ordinary income rates, the phase-in levels and top marginal tax rates vary.

5 min read
Understanding Why Full Expensing Matters, Full expensing is also known as accelerated depreciation of capital investments, Learn more about accelerated cost recovery of investments.

Understanding Why Full Expensing Matters

Understanding the channel through which a tax policy change is expected to affect the economy is crucial. Absent this understanding, we are likely to reach the wrong conclusions on what sound tax policy looks like and what changes would improve the tax code.

4 min read
Elizabeth Warren’s Plans Could Lead to Effective Tax Rates Over 100 Percent on Capital Income For Some

Illustrating Senator Warren’s Taxes on Capital Income

Taken together, these proposed tax changes would significantly raise marginal and effective tax rates and increase the cost of capital, all of which would lead to a reduced level of output and less revenue than anticipated.

5 min read
OECD Pillar 1 Amount A proposal OECD Secretariat, OECD unified approach pillar 1, OECD pillar 1, OECD international tax, OECD unified approach digital tax, OECD multinational businesses, OECD digital tax

The OECD’s Pillar 2 Proposal Raises Serious Questions

Addressing tax avoidance is a key political issue for many countries, but these policies should not be discussed without accounting for the size of the current problem, how recent policy changes have addressed it, and what potential impacts might come from this new approach.

4 min read