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Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan

Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan and Federal Tax Proposals

Taxes are once again at the forefront of the public policy debate as legislators grapple with how to fund new infrastructure spending, among other priorities. Our tax tracker helps you stay up-to-date as new tax plans emerge from the Biden administration and Congress.

1 min read
Louisiana tax reform proposals Louisiana individual income tax reform Louisiana corporate income tax reform

Louisiana Fiscal Session Finishes Strong with Tax Reform

It took until the last day of the session, but Louisiana lawmakers succeeded in passing a tax reform package Thursday that would simplify a complicated tax code and make the state more economically competitive.

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Inflation Reduction Act book minimum tax Inflation Reduction Act accelerated depreciation change in corporate tax liablities, book tax, or corporate minimum tax congressional budget office cbo Eliminating the alternative minimum tax eliminating the AMT inflation indexing, inflation adjusting state tax codes, traditional CPI, index brackets for inflation, index for inflation

A Closer Look at Eliminating the AMT

In our new Options for Reforming America’s Tax Code 2.0, there are several options that would simplify the tax code, including eliminating the alternative minimum tax (AMT). While this move would remove a source of complexity, policymakers should also consider reforming the deductions that created a justification for the AMT in the first place.

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Tax Policy in the First 100 Days of the Biden Administration

In his first 100 days as president, Joe Biden has proposed more than a dozen significant changes to the U.S. tax code that would raise upwards of $3 trillion in revenue and reduce incentives to invest, save, and work in the United States.

4 min read
2021 tax season, tax refunds, IRS extends tax filing deadline to May 17

What to Expect During the 2021 Tax Season

The IRS recently announced the extension of tax filing and payment deadlines from April 15th to May 17th to help taxpayers navigating the many tax changes amid the pandemic and give the IRS opportunity to clear its backlog of tax returns and correspondence.

7 min read
GOP Covid GOP proposal GOP Covid proposal and Biden American Rescue Plan Biden GOP covid proposal GOP covid relief bill

Modeling Different Proposals for Round Three Direct Payments

President Biden is calling for a third round of economic impact payments to households as part of his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Under the plan, the payments would be $1,400 per person, topping off the recent round of $600 payments for a combined $2,000 per person. Senate Republicans have proposed payment amounts of $1,000 per individual and $500 per dependent, lower income thresholds, and faster phaseout rates.

5 min read