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Puerto Rico Tax Competitiveness and Pillar Two Global Tax Deal

Puerto Rican Competitiveness and Pillar Two

Puerto Rico, a US territory with a limited ability to set its own tax policies, will be the first part of the US to be substantially affected by Pillar Two, the global tax agreement that seeks to establish a 15 percent minimum tax rate on corporate income.

17 min read
EU tax research The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy EU digital levy

EU Taxation: Prioritizing Geopolitics over Revenue

If the EU wants to strategically compete with economic powers like the United States or China, it needs principled, pro-growth tax policy that prioritizes efficient ways to raise revenue over geopolitical ambitions.

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OECD harmful tax practices, FHTP, OECD BEPS, OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

OECD Tackling Harmful Tax Practices

Countries around the world often design their tax policies to become attractive targets for foreign investment. These policies can be anything from a system with special preferences for certain industries to a well-designed tax system based on principles of sound tax policy. Systems that are rife with special preferences and complexities can create distortions in local jurisdictions and across the global economy.

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Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy, OECD, digital economy tax, OECD public consultation

Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy

Though the challenges to international tax policy are many, the OECD has a chance to work toward a system that creates fewer distortions and negative economic effects than the current one. However, given the policies on the table, it will certainly take quite an effort to avoid further complexity of international tax rules that creates challenges to global trade and economic prosperity.

17 min read