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Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

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Tax compliance costs of IRS regulations tax complexity and tax simplification Chaotic IRS filing season shows flaws in IRS benefits distribution, IRS tax credit administration, IRS budget, and 2022 tax season with filing taxes Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2022 Update 2022 federal income tax data

The Tax Compliance Costs of IRS Regulations

In a pattern that has become all too common in recent decades, the newly enacted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) added yet another layer of complexity to an already complex and burdensome federal tax code.

9 min read
IRS budget increase IRS technology modernization and IRS funding for IRS e-filing electronic tax filing

IRS Funding and Technology

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finds itself under fire often. Outdated technology, millions of unanswered calls, and cafeterias full of paper returns—it’s clear that America’s tax collector needs improvement. Jesse is joined by Courtney Kay-Decker and Jared Ballew, chair and vice chair (respectively) of the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC). They discuss ETAAC’s annual report that lays out what the IRS is doing right, and what it’s doing wrong, as the agency continues to see its duties grow.

IRS tax enforcement provisions to increase IRS budget and IRS funding See more on IRS expansion and Inflation Reduction Act IRS details

How to Think About IRS Tax Enforcement Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act increases the IRS’s budget by roughly $80 billion over 10 years. The money is broken into four main categories—enforcement, operations support, business system modernization, and taxpayer services—as well as a few other small items such as an exploratory study on the potential of a free-file system.

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Technology and Taxes

From policy to filing, from accounting to compliance: technology is truly shaping the future of taxes. We chat with Ben Alarie, CEO of Blue J, about how companies are utilizing technology to comply with the tax code and how policymakers can use technology to advance tax laws that support an ever-evolving economy.

Sources of Personal Income, Tax Year 2019

Reviewing reported income helps to understand the composition of the federal government’s revenue base and how Americans earn their taxable income. The individual income tax, the federal government’s largest source of revenue, is largely a tax on labor.

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Biden tax compliance plan to improve IRS funding and tax enforcement to improve tax collection

Tax Filing Season: Options for Improvement

Efforts to improve the taxpayer experience should focus on the IRS’s operations and include structural improvements to the tax code.

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Restructure child tax credi restructure earned income tax credit

The Child Tax Credit Score

The expanded Child Tax Credit from the American Rescue Plan was touted as a once-in-a-lifetime achievement toward reducing child poverty. But it was passed as a temporary tax measure. Temporary tax policy makes tax filing confusing, and the IRS has shown that it isn’t able to keep pace with being a social administrator and a tax collector. We discuss what taxpayers need to know about the ever-changing Child Tax Credit and how it may impact taxpayers this spring.

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Business Tax Refunds Must Be Provided Quickly During Future Downturns

A new report finds many businesses have yet to receive tax refunds that they are due from pandemic-related emergency relief. Future business tax relief must be provided in a timely manner during the next downturn, because delayed tax relief is not much better than no relief at all.

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Who Benefits from Itemized Deductions? High income taxpayers tax breaks

Tax Season’s Greetings

The 2022 tax filing season is about to begin. With expected delays, pandemic-related troubles, and a backlog of over 8 million unprocessed returns from the 2021 tax filing season, Garrett Watson joins Jesse Solis to discuss what all these troubles will mean for taxpayers in what is shaping up to be a chaotic spring.

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Business Tax Collections Within Historical Norm After Accounting for Pass-through Business Taxes

When looking at the tax burden on businesses over time, it is important to provide a complete picture by accounting for the different types of businesses in the U.S. and the timing effects of the 2017 tax law. Doing so provides important context on existing tax burdens and for considering the impact of raising taxes on corporations and pass-through firms.

3 min read