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100 Percent Bonus Depreciation (Full Expensing)

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full expensing, 100% bonus depreciation,

New Evidence on the Benefits of Full Expensing

Additional evidence on the economic benefits of full expensing of investment was recently published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

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Depreciation Requires Businesses to Pay Tax on Income That Doesn’t Exist

While tax rates matter to businesses, so too does the measure of income to which those tax rates apply. The corporate income tax is a tax on profits, normally defined as revenue minus costs. However, under the current tax code, businesses are unable to deduct the full cost of certain expenses—their capital investments—meaning the tax code is not neutral and actually increases the cost of investment.

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Amortizing Research and Development Expenses Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act research and development expensing

Amortizing Research and Development Expenses Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Expensing, or the immediate write-off of R&D costs, is a valuable component of the current tax system. The TCJA’s change to amortization in 2022, requiring firms to write off their business costs over time rather than immediately, would raise the cost of investment, discourage R&D, and reduce economic output.

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Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2018

One hundred percent expensing for short-life business investments was a great start but needs to be enacted on a permanent basis for it to have an impact on long-term decision-making.

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