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Distilled Spirits Taxes

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distilled spirits taxes

Distilled Spirits Taxes by State, 2024

Newer products like spirits-based hard seltzers and ready-to-drink cocktails have fueled growth, while also blurring the lines of a categorical tax system. The result has been a spirited competition throughout the alcohol industry for market share, including calls to reform tax policy.

3 min read
Maryland ready-to-drink cocktail tax proposal

Maryland Proposes a Lower Tax Category for Ready-to-Drink Cocktails

A tax based on alcohol content would be the most neutral, straightforward means of raising revenue from alcohol. But since such a tax would constitute a redesign of the entire alcohol tax system at both the state and federal levels, the next best approach is to create more categories for new products.

4 min read
Alcohol Tax Modernization: ABV Tax and other Drink Tax Reforms

Modernization of the Alcohol Tax

An alcohol by volume (ABV) tax could replace the existing alcohol tax system. An ABV tax would make alcohol taxes simpler, more transparent, and substantially more neutral than the current system.

18 min read
2023 state distilled spirits taxes on alcoholic beverages and compare liquor taxes and alcohol taxes across the country using DISCUS sdata

Distilled Spirits Taxes by State, 2023

Of all alcoholic beverages subject to taxation, stiff drinks—and all distilled spirits—face the stiffest tax rates. Like many excise taxes, the treatment of distilled spirits varies widely across the states.

4 min read
Global excise tax trends and global excise tax applications data and research on excise taxes

Global Excise Tax Application and Trends

When designed well, excise taxes discourage the consumption of products that create external harm and generate revenue for funding services that ameliorate social costs. The effectiveness of excise tax policy depends on the appropriate selection of the tax base and tax rate, as well as the efficient use of revenues.

83 min read
EU excise duty on alcohol 2021 distilled spirits taxes in Europe. 2021 liquor taxes in Europe

Distilled Spirits Taxes in Europe

The highest excise duties are applied in Finland, Sweden, and Ireland, where the rates for a standard-size bottle of liquor are €14.10 ($16.08), €13.80 ($15.73), and €11.92 ($13.59), respectively.

1 min read
2021 distilled spirits taxes, compare 2021 state distilled spirits taxes (2021 state liquor taxes and tax rates)

Distilled Spirits Taxes by State, 2021

Of all alcoholic beverages subject to taxation, stiff drinks—and all distilled spirits—face the stiffest tax rates. Like many excise taxes, the treatment of distilled spirits varies widely across the states.

3 min read
Excise Taxes, 2021 Excise Tax Rates and 2021 Excise Tax Trends

Excise Tax Application and Trends

The excise tax family is growing. Over the last decade, several products have become subject to excise taxes or are in the process of becoming so. Given this development, it is more crucial than ever that lawmakers, businesses, and consumers understand the possibilities and, more importantly, limitations of excise tax application.

77 min read