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The Jobs and Wage Effects of a Corporate Rate Cut

Corporate tax reform done right is key to growing the economy, boosting real family incomes, and making the U.S. a better place in which to do business.

5 min read
United Kingdom Corporate Tax Reform

There Is More Than Meets the Eye When Analyzing the UK’s Corporate Tax Cut

When taking a closer look at the UK’s recent corporate tax reform experiment, it becomes clear that there was significantly more at work than just a simple rate cut. Increasing the effective marginal tax rate on new investments could have had a negative effect on wages, potentially offsetting the positive effects from the corporate rate cut.

4 min read
corporate income tax

Labor Bears Much of the Cost of the Corporate Tax

Recent empirical evidence shows that workers bear upwards of 70 percent of the corporate income tax burden, much more than popular tax models claim, which make errors in how they account for super-normal returns and the openness of our economy.

50 min read

Sales Tax Base Broadening: Right-Sizing a State Sales Tax

Due in part to historical accident and also to the proliferation of exemptions, the effectiveness of the state sales tax continues to erode. The median state sales tax, which should apply to all personal consumption, is nonly applied to 23 percent of personal consumption.

27 min read