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Where Did Americans Move in 2017?

Where Did Americans Move in 2017?

There are many ways that states can compete with one another for residents, and tax rates and structures should certainly be part of the conversation for states looking to attract new residents.

2 min read

Mississippi Lawmakers Consider Creation of State Lottery

As Mississippi policymakers contemplate a lottery, it may be tempting to think of it as free money—new revenue raised without having to adopt a new tax. A better way of thinking about the issue, however, would recognize the lottery for what it is: a regressive form of high implicit taxation.

3 min read

Other Federal Tax Changes in the New Year

Though the focus has been on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, there are other federal changes that took place on January 1, 2018 which are also worth reviewing.

3 min read
Retirement Savings Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Retirement Savings Left Largely Untouched by Tax Reform

While rumors flew around Washington in the fall that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would dramatically impact retirement savings accounts, the plan has made only a few minor modifications.

3 min read

2018 Tax Brackets

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), many tax brackets, thresholds, and rates will change in 2018. Explore 2018 tax brackets, standard and personal exemptions, earned income tax credit, and more.

4 min read