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estimated economic impact of improved cost recovery by state

Estimated Impact of Improved Cost Recovery Treatment by State

We estimate that moving to permanent full expensing and neutral cost recovery for structures would add more than 1 million full-time equivalent jobs to the long-run economy and boost the long-run capital stock by $4.8 trillion.

4 min read
Pennsylvania legalize marijuana, Pennsylvania recreational marijuana tax, New Mexico legalize marijuana, New Mexico recreational marijuana tax, states taxing marijuana

Montana Voters Will Decide on Recreational Marijuana

Montana could vote to legalize and tax recreational marijuana in November, bringing in an estimated $39 million by 2025, but would the move help with short-term budget issues?

4 min read
federal government response to coronavirus, simplify next round of rebates, GAO report

GAO Report Reveals Need to Simplify Next Round of Rebates

A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed that almost a half-million taxpayers missed their total rebate payment due to complications over disbursing funds to non-filers with eligible dependents. Administrability is just as important as rebate design and simplicity is just as important as speed.

3 min read