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Tax Expenditures interest deductions, sources of personal income, Gross Receipts Taxes

Interest Deductibility – Issues and Reforms

Interest deductibility creates holes in the tax base, distorts corporate investment strategies, and contributes to a potentially dangerous macroeconomic environment of overleveraging.

20 min read
International Tax

Competitiveness Impact of Tax Reform for the United States

U.S. taxes on new business investment are uncompetitive globally. While corporate tax rate reductions would have a significant impact on competitiveness, expensing proposals currently being considered would add much more grease to make the wheels turn in the U.S. economy.

16 min read
Tax Calculator alternative minimum tax

The State and Local Tax Deduction: A Primer

Taxpayers who itemize deductions on their federal income tax are permitted to deduct certain taxes paid to state and local governments from their gross income for federal income tax liability purposes.

26 min read
United States map, The US States which are impacted by federal tax reform

Federal Tax Reform: The Impact on States

The federal government could pass comprehensive tax reform for the first time since 1986. Any federal tax change would impact state budgets, as most states tie their tax codes to the federal code. Here’s what states should expect and the options they’ll have if federal reform happens.

26 min read