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Vehicle miles traveled tax VMT tax, motor fuel tax, transportation funding, highway trust fund economic impact of increased infrastructure spending

Who Will Pay for the Roads?

The highway trust fund is on track to run out of money by 2021, states are struggling to cover their transportation spending, and increased fuel economy, plus inflation, is chipping away at gas tax revenue year. How can Congress and state governments ensure they have the revenue necessary to fund our highways? One solution is the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax.

35 min read

Where Should the Money Come From?

The fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic will require policymakers to consider what revenue resources should be used to fill budget gaps. Tax policy experts have proposed wealth taxes, (global) corporate minimum taxes, excess profits taxes, and digital taxes as opportunities for governments to raise new revenues.

20 min read
2020 state tax rates and changes as of July 1, 2020, 2020 tax changes, 2020 state tax changes as of July 1, 2020

State Tax Changes Effective July 1, 2020

Nineteen states had notable tax changes take effect on July 1, 2020. Pandemic-shortened sessions contributed to less—and different—activity on the tax front than is seen in most years, and will likely yield an unusually active summer and autumn, with many legislatures considering new measures during special sessions.

12 min read