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Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe, Top Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income Distributed as Dividends in European OECD Countries, 2020

Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe, 2021

The integrated tax rate on corporate income reflects both the corporate income tax and the dividends or capital gains tax—the total tax levied on corporate income. For dividends, Ireland’s top integrated tax rate was highest among European OECD countries, followed by France and Denmark

4 min read
Where did Americans move in 2020? 2020 state migration data, 2020 moving study, state-by-state migration trends, state migration trends, state migration data

Where Did Americans Move in 2020?

States compete with each other in a variety of ways, including in attracting (and retaining) residents. Sustained periods of inbound migration lead to (and reflect) greater economic output and growth. Prolonged periods of net outbound migration, however, can strain state coffers, contributing to revenue declines as economic activity and tax revenue follow individuals out of state.

4 min read
2021 Value-Added Tax Rates in Europe, 2021 VAT rates in Europe

VAT Rates in Europe, 2021

More than 140 countries worldwide—including all European countries—levy a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services.

4 min read
2021 sales taxes, 2021 state and local sales tax rates. 2021 state sales tax rates, 2021 sales tax rates. sales tax rates by state, sales taxes by state

State and Local Sales Tax Rates, 2021

While many factors influence business location and investment decisions, sales taxes are something within lawmakers’ control that can have immediate impacts.

12 min read
New Year's Eve taxes, Sparkling wine taxes in Europe

Sparkling Wine Taxes in Europe

This week, people around the world will celebrate New Year’s Eve, with many opening a bottle of sparkling wine to wish farewell to—a rather consequential—2020 and offer a warm welcome to the—by many of us, long-awaited—new year 2021.

1 min read
Wealth taxes in Europe, 2020. European countries with a wealth tax, net wealth tax, wealth tax on selected assets

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2020

Net wealth taxes are recurrent taxes on an individual’s wealth, net of debt. The concept of a net wealth tax is similar to a real property tax. But instead of only taxing real estate, it covers all wealth an individual owns. As today’s map shows, only three European countries covered levy a net wealth tax, namely Norway, Spain, and Switzerland. France and Italy levy wealth taxes on selected assets but not on an individual’s net wealth per se.

3 min read

Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2020

Corporate tax rates have been declining in every region around the world over the past four decades as countries have recognized their negative impact on business investment. Our new report explores the latest corporate tax trends and compares corporate tax rates by country.

22 min read