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Tax Policy and the Economic Recovery

Presented by:
Katherine Loughead Katherine Loughead
Jared Walczak Jared Walczak


State revenues have not taken as much of a hit as was once feared, but state lawmakers still face the difficult task of balancing responses to reduced revenues with efforts to help facilitate the economic recovery. In this final session, we will review the latest revenue data, survey state responses to the Great Recession and prior economic downturns, explore the state tax implications of federal relief packages, and outline states’ options.

Drawing upon earlier discussions, we will close out the legislative boot camp with a timely discussion of tax policy choices, on issues ranging from UI tax adjustments to tax conformity measures to the advantages and disadvantages of different revenue-raising options.

Areas of Focus

  1. State tax collection figures and the latest revenue projections
  2. Interactions between the federal response and state tax revenues
  3. Tax policies to aid the economic recovery
  4. Revenue options for states facing shortfalls

Session Resources