Blog Articles
Modeling the Impact of President Trump’s Proposed Tariffs
The Trump administration’s proposed tariffs would lead to job losses and a reduction in economic growth, as the Tax Foundation’s updated Tax and Growth model shows.
4 min readLawmakers May Vote on Making Key Provisions of the TCJA Permanent
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act improved the US tax code, but key provisions are only temporary. Now Congress may vote to ensure those tax breaks are permanent.
3 min readGross Receipts Taxes in the Marijuana Industry Found to Cause Distortionary Effects
States considering legalizing and taxing marijuana should pay attention to natural experiments occurring in states across the country.
4 min readGovernor Dayton’s Budget Proposal: Some Pro-Growth Provisions, but Misses the Mark on Others
The proposal includes some good reforms, including conforming to the federal full expensing provision, but also rolls back some recent positive changes.
2 min readProposed Chinese Tariffs Will Raise Taxes Following a Large Tax Cut
The Trump administration’s plan to levy $60 billion in tariffs on Chinese products could negate 20 percent of the benefits of the recently adopted tax cuts.
3 min readInversions under the New Tax Law
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was meant to boost growth and deter corporate inversions. What does it mean that an Ohio company is still moving its HQ to the UK?
5 min read