Blog Articles
What’s up with Being GILTI?
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes to the way U.S. multinationals’ foreign profits are taxed. GILTI, or “Global Intangible Low Tax Income,” was introduced as an outbound anti-base erosion provision.
5 min readAnalysis of the “SALT Act”
Lawmakers recently introduced a bill to repeal the $10,000 cap on the state and local deduction (SALT) and raise the top tax rate on ordinary income from 37 percent to 39.6 percent.
4 min readNew Mexico Tax Increase Package Advances
7 min readTaxing Transactions a Few Too Many Times
2 min readArkansas Chips Away at Tax Reform
3 min readWhat Happens When Everyone is GILTI?
Secretary Mnuchin, Finance Minister Le Maire, and other tax policy leaders should encourage the OECD and their own research staff to perform serious economic analysis on the alternatives for changing international tax rules before moving forward. It would be quite unfortunate for the world to learn the wrong lessons from U.S. tax reform.
3 min read