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FairTax consumption taxes versus income taxes taxing criminals economics lesson plan flat tax definition flat income tax system Biden minimum tax, Biden corporate tax rate increase Biden corporate income tax, Biden book minimum tax Build Back Better reconciliation tax plan

Accounting for the New Book Minimum Tax

The Inflation Reduction Act includes a book minimum tax, which is raising the eyebrows of accountants everywhere. Scott Dyreng, a professor of accounting at Duke University, and Daniel Bunn join Jesse to discuss how these minimum taxes work and how companies aim to comply with all these new complex rules and tax increases.

The Woes of Temporary Tax Policy

From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017 to the Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law just this summer, lawmakers across the political spectrum are often tempted to implement temporary tax reforms. Garrett Watson joins Jesse to discuss the pros and cons of writing tax laws that have an end date and why we find ourselves having a debate at the end of each year about so many temporary provisions.

election day 2022 results state tax ballot measures election 2022 results

Post-Election Breakdown

The 2022 midterm elections are wrapping up, and taxpayers are looking at a divided Congress for the next two years. Senior Policy Analyst Garrett Watson sits down with Jesse to give a quick analysis of what these elections mean for tax policy.

The UK’s Tax Battles, Part One: How We Got Here

This episode of The Deduction is part one in our ongoing coverage of the UK’s tax battles. Jesse chats with Tom Clougherty, research director and head of tax at the Centre for Policy Studies in London about what went down in the UK this fall: from the leadership elections to the countless U-turns the new prime minister has made to try and reform the country’s tax code.

Twelve Days of Christmas 12 Days of Christmas tax edition

All I Want for Christmas is EU: Understanding Tax Policy in Brussels

When it comes to international economic competition, people often frame the argument as the U.S. versus China. But across the Atlantic, nation-states in the European Union have been working hard to show the world that they deserve to be considered an economic force. Rising up to this challenge for the EU is easier said than done.

On New Year's Eve, the ball drops in New York City. Before New Year's Eve, compare champagne taxes in your state! New Year's 2020

New Year, New Taxes

Erica York, senior economist at the Tax Foundation, joins Jesse to discuss how the book minimum tax came to be, if it will really stop companies from paying zero in taxes, if the new Republican House will revisit this debate, and what the tax’s impact will be on jobs and economic growth.

2023 local income taxes by state and municipality 2023 local income tax rates and local taxes or local income tax data by county

A Look at Local Income Taxes

Levied in thousands of cities, counties, school districts, and other localities, local income taxes are often used to either lower other taxes (like property taxes) or raise more revenue for local services. While they may make sense on paper, local income taxes come with more challenges than other local revenue sources.

Biden state of the union address 2023 tax proposals stock buybacks tax billionaire minimum tax expanded child tax credit

State of the Union Reaction 2023

President Biden shared his policy aspirations during the State of the Union address, outlining three tax proposals in his remarks: quadrupling the brand-new excise tax on stock buybacks, instituting a “billionaire minimum tax,” and extending the now-lapsed expanded Child Tax Credit. We discuss the prospects of major tax changes becoming law in a divided government and what these proposals signal about how President Biden thinks about tax policy as he enters the latter half of his first term.

GILTI: Foreign Tax, Local Impact

Since only U.S. businesses pay the GILTI tax, not foreign businesses, it makes U.S.-based brands less competitive abroad. Whatever its intentions, GILTI is a flawed policy, and doubling down on it will hurt us abroad, and at home.

Who bears the burden of the corporate income tax? Real impact of the corporate tax

Who Bears the Burden of the Corporate Income Tax?

Raising the corporate income tax is often promoted as a way to generate revenue for helpful government services. Unfortunately, higher corporate taxes typically hurt the very people they’re supposed to help through lost wages and fewer opportunities.