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Biden’s Tax Proposals Could Impact Small Businesses Over Time

The Biden administration has primarily focused on increasing taxes on top earners to generate revenue to fund its spending priorities. However, these proposals would hit many pass-through businesses and much of pass-through business income, including small businesses, family-owned businesses, and farms.

3 min read
Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan

Tracking the 2021 Biden Tax Plan and Federal Tax Proposals

Taxes are once again at the forefront of the public policy debate as legislators grapple with how to fund new infrastructure spending, among other priorities. Our tax tracker helps you stay up-to-date as new tax plans emerge from the Biden administration and Congress.

1 min read
expensing infrastructure Who bears the burden of corporate taxes? Learn more about who bears the burden of the corporate income tax (who actually pays corporate taxes) and the corporate tax burden

Expensing Is Infrastructure, Too

The Biden administration has suggested several tax increases for his infrastructure plan. Public infrastructure can help increase economic growth, but by raising taxes on private investment, the net effect on growth may be negative. However, tax options like retaining expensing for private R&D investment or making 100 percent bonus depreciation for equipment permanent would be complementary to the goals of infrastructure spending.

5 min read
European and G7 countries and a Comparison of their Cross-Border Effective Average Tax Rates

Carve-ins and Carve-outs: Open Questions for Global Tax Reform

There has been some confusion about how some parts of the recent G7 agreement on new tax rules for multinational companies might work. The new policies would target the largest and most profitable multinationals and bring in a global minimum tax.

5 min read
Who bears the burden of corporate taxes? Learn more about who bears the burden of the corporate income tax (who actually pays corporate taxes) and the corporate tax burden

Who Bears the Burden of Corporation Taxation? A Review of Recent Evidence

The Biden administration has pledged to not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year. However, the administration’s corporate tax proposals would likely violate that pledge, given that corporations are comprised of people who also might earn less than $400,000.

3 min read
Federal highway fund taxes federal infrastructure funding for highways federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles

Infrastructure Funding for Highways Digs into Issues of Outdated Taxes and Narrow Bases

As spending priorities are dividing lawmakers trying to negotiate among the various federal infrastructure plans, less time is being spent on the funding of one of the key components—our highways, both current and future taxes and fees. One of the current taxes, a federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles and trailers, is an important revenue generator, but its flawed tax design has a negative impact on investment and leads to unstable revenue.

4 min read
Biden GILTI Biden global minimum tax Biden US global minimum taxBiden international tax Us corporate tax, US tax, corporate income tax, new investment

Two Important Issues that Must Be Resolved in “Global Tax Reform”

If the U.S. is suggesting a 15 percent effective rate as the minimum acceptable rate for a global agreement, then the tax bases of the various minimum taxes adopted as part of the agreement should be aligned to minimize complexities and unintended consequences.

5 min read
International Tax Reform Options, GILTI

Pleading GILTI: A Guide to the Complicated World of Global Intangible Low Tax Income

On this episode of The Deduction, we speak with Pam Olson, Tax Foundation Board Member and Consultant on Tax Policy Services at PwC, about the tax on Global Intangible Low Tax Income, or “GILTI.” In 2017, GILTI was implemented as a minimum tax designed to disincentivize U.S. companies from shifting profits overseas, but it doesn’t work how drafters intended, and now President Biden has proposed doubling it.

Financing Additional Infrastructure Spending with Corporate Tax Increases Would Stunt Economic Growth Biden Infrastructure plan American Jobs Plan new infrastructure $1 trillion in additional infrastructure

Financing Infrastructure Spending with Corporate Tax Increases Would Stunt Economic Growth

The Biden administration’s American Jobs Plan proposal to fund infrastructure spending relies on a bet that the benefits outweigh the costs of a higher corporate tax burden. Using the Tax Foundation model, we find that this trade-off is a bad one for the U.S. economy, resulting in reduced GDP, less capital investment, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

3 min read
Federal tobacco tax proposal state taxes Build Back Better Act Biden American Families Plan proposal to tax unrealized capital gains at death, taxing unrealized gains death proposal, capital gains at death policies tax refund tax refunds tax cut 2018 tax season tax filing

Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains at Death Is Unlikely to Raise Revenue Advertised

As part of the tax proposals in President Biden’s American Families Plan, unrealized capital gains over $1 million would be taxed at death. However, this policy would likely raise less revenue than advocates expect after considering the proposal’s impact on taxpayer behavior, including capital gains realizations, and historical capital gains and estate tax revenue collections.

5 min read
LIFO tax treatment of inventory LIFO repeal US supply chain resiliency Biden small business taxes Biden tax plan small business impact Investments in long-lived assets, such as structures, must be deducted over long cost recovery periods: up to 27.5 years (for residential buildings) or 39 years (for nonresidential buildings), cost recovery of buildings.

Many Small Businesses Could Be Impacted by Biden Corporate Tax Proposals

Policymakers should recognize that corporate tax hikes will not only impact large firms, but many smaller and younger firms as well. Considering that many of these smaller firms are significant contributors to net job growth, raising corporate taxes at this time would not be conducive for a speedy economic recovery.

2 min read