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Inflation Reduction Act book minimum tax 5G competition china

How Does the IRA’s Book Minimum Tax Affect 5G Competition?

A higher tax burden for private infrastructure investments like wireless spectrum, 5G technology, and machinery and equipment makes an existing problem worse—especially against the backdrop of outright state subsidies in countries like China.

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Digital Taxation Around the World including digital services taxes and digital consumption tax reforms

Digital Taxation around the World

The outcome of the digital tax debate will likely shape domestic and international taxation for decades to come. Designing these policies based on sound principles will be essential in ensuring they can withstand challenges arising in the rapidly changing economic and technological environment of the 21st century.

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Americans Are Still Paying for the Biden-Trump Tariffs, See US Tariffs analysis

Americans Are Still Paying for the Trump-Biden Tariffs

If reelected, President Trump would drastically escalate the trade war he started during his first term. But what often goes unnoticed is President Biden’s role in continuing Trump’s first trade war. In fact, more tax revenue from the trade war tariffs has been collected under Biden than under Trump.

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U.S. Must Fix R&D Treatment to Compete with China

Though providing permanent R&D expensing alone would not be a China-competition magic bullet, it is a no-brainer place to start. In this technological race, we should first make sure we have not tied our own shoes together.

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Tax Foundation Discussion on the Harms of Retaliatory Tax and Trade Policies with Senator Blackburn

Tax Foundation Discussion on the Harms of Retaliatory Tax and Trade Policies

Historical evidence and recent studies have shown that retaliatory tax and trade proposals raise prices and reduce the quantity of goods and services available to U.S. businesses and consumers, resulting in lower incomes, reduced employment, and lower economic output.

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JCT Report Shows How Corporate Tax Breaks Have Expanded, Analysis of JCT Corporate Tax Expenditures

JCT Report Shows How Corporate Tax Breaks Have Expanded

Lawmakers should prioritize creating a tax system that supports investment more broadly rather than subsidizing specific industries and allowing broad, neutral pro-investment provisions to expire.

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Prohibition by price taxes and illicit trade china and cigarette taxes in the united states the deduciton podcast

Prohibition by Price

Step into the shadows of illicit trade where taxation, incentives, and criminal networks intersect to fuel the lucrative cigarette smuggling market.

Taxes and illicit trade China cigarette smuggling us tax revenue impact

Taxes and Illicit Trade

Taxation plays a key role in driving illicit trade. People respond to incentives, and sizable price markups for legal cigarettes create incentives for tax avoidance.

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carbon tariff and carbon border tax proposed in Prove It Act by Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and Christopher Coons (D-DE) carbon price and Foreign Pollution Fee Act

What Would a Carbon Tariff Achieve?

Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and Christopher Coons (D-DE) have recently introduced a bill laying the groundwork for a possible solution to the problem: a tax on the carbon content of imports. But it falls short of the optimal approach in several ways.

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trade war tariffs agriculture impact farmers Biden small business tax Biden small business taxes farm estate planning

How Tariffs and the Trade War Hurt U.S. Agriculture

With inflation continuing to skyrocket, especially for food, which reached 10.4 percent in June, it is worth examining how the ongoing U.S. trade war with China and U.S. tariff policy overall has impacted U.S. agriculture and food prices.

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US China tariffs and effect of US china trade war policies

U.S.-China Trade War Hurt American Industries and Workers

While the U.S. tariffs were intended to protect American industries, they have largely hurt the U.S. economy. Rather than pass on the tariffs to Chinese consumers, analysis shows that most U.S. firms simply bore the costs.

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Build Back Better taxes 5G competition next generation wireless technology minimum tax on book income

How Do Build Back Better Taxes Affect 5G Competition?

One unintended consequence of the tax proposals in the Build Back Better Act is a higher potential burden on wireless spectrum investments, which could slow the build out of 5G technology as the U.S. races to compete with other countries—moving in the opposite direction of countries like China that are actively subsidizing 5G expansion.

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Asian pacific countries revenue loss. Tax revenue Africa. Tax revenue Asia. Tax revenue Latin America. 2021

Asian and Pacific Countries Faced Revenue Loss Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak

As economies are starting to recover and growth is expected to rebound in the region during 2021, Asian and Pacific countries should start exploring changes to their fiscal tax policies while carefully evaluating the optimal time for eliminating fiscal stimulus and temporary tax relief.

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Japanese tax and benefit system working parents and Japan tax revenue

Revenue Gains in Asian and Pacific Countries Likely Offset by COVID-19

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic crisis, countries in the Asia-Pacific region will see a differentiated impact on their capacity of mobilizing domestic revenue depending on the structure of their economy. According to the OECD report, those economies that rely mostly on natural resources, tourism, and trade taxes are especially vulnerable.

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