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Europe Opened the Pandora Box of Reduced VAT Rates
With this new VAT directive, the EU has invited member states to adopt policies that create new complexities, are poorly targeted, and undermine an Own Resource.
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Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2022
Only three European OECD countries levy a net wealth tax, namely Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.
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Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe, 2022
In most European OECD countries, corporate income is taxed twice, once at the entity level and once at the shareholder level.
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Analyzing Recent Tax Trends Among EU Countries
In recent years, EU countries have undertaken a series of tax reforms designed to maintain tax revenue levels while supporting investment and economic growth. However, not all tax reforms were created equal.
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Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe, 2022
Many countries incentivize business investment in research and development (R&D), intending to foster innovation. A common approach is to provide direct government funding for R&D activity. However, a significant number of jurisdictions also offers R&D tax incentives.
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Russia’s Ukrainian War Could Impact EU Carbon Proposal Too
Given the uncertainty surrounding the war in Ukraine, future trade relations with Russia, and the overall CBAM revenue structure. The EU will need to adjust policy when challenges arise as it looks to increase its role in fiscal affairs through new own resources.
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Post-Versailles Declaration: Tax Policy in the Future of European Energy Security
The unified EU signing of the “Versailles Declaration” is a historic break from the past. Russia’s war against Ukraine has made energy (and related tax policies) an even more urgent focus for the EU.
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Capital Gains Tax Rates in Europe, 2022
In many countries, investment income, such as dividends and capital gains, is taxed at a different rate than wage income. Denmark levies the highest top capital gains tax among European OECD countries, followed by Norway, Finland, and France.
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Corporate Income Tax Rates in Europe, 2022
Portugal, Germany and France have the highest corporate tax rates in Europe. How does your country compare?
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Top Personal Income Tax Rates in Europe, 2022
Denmark (55.9 percent), France (55.4 percent), and Austria (55 percent) have the highest top statutory personal income tax rates among European OECD countries.
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