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2023 European Tax Policy Scorecard Tax Foundation Europe

2023 European Tax Policy Scorecard

The variety of approaches to taxation among European countries creates a need to evaluate these systems relative to each other. For that purpose, we have developed the European Tax Policy Scorecard—a relative comparison of European countries’ tax systems.

52 min read
Real Property Taxes in Europe as of 2023 Tax Foundation European OECD Data of Real Property Tax Rates in Europe

Real Property Taxes in Europe

High property taxes levied not only on land but also on buildings and structures can discourage investment in infrastructure, which businesses would have to pay additional tax on.

2 min read
Beer taxes in europe, including 2023 excise duty on beer in Europe for Oktoberfest

Beer Taxes in Europe

As Oktoberfest celebrations kick off around the world, let’s look at how much tax European Union (EU) countries add to the world’s favorite alcoholic beverage.

2 min read
2023 carbon tax rates in Europe and other information related to carbon taxes in Europe

Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2023

In recent years, several countries have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions, including instituting environmental regulations, emissions trading systems, and carbon taxes. In 1990, Finland was the world’s first country to introduce a carbon tax.

4 min read

Patent Box Regimes in Europe, 2023

The aim of patent boxes is generally to encourage and attract local research and development (R&D) and to incentivize businesses to locate IP in the country. However, patent boxes can introduce another level of complexity to a tax system, and some recent research questions whether patent boxes are actually effective in driving innovation.

3 min read

Capital Allowances in Europe, 2023

Capital allowances play an important role in a country’s corporate tax base and can impact investment decisions—with far-reaching economic consequences.

4 min read
Diesel and gas taxes in Europe 2023 fuel tax rates including diesel taxes and gas taxes in Europe

Diesel and Gas Taxes in Europe

As the EU pursues massive changes in public policy as part of its green transition, expect fuel taxes to be central to any policy discussions.

4 min read
Windfall Profits Taxes in Europe, August 2023

What European Countries Are Doing about Windfall Profit Taxes

It’s unlikely these implemented and proposed windfall taxes will achieve their goals of raising additional revenues without distorting the market. Instead, they would penalize domestic production and punitively target certain industries without a sound tax base.

13 min read

Tax Burden on Labor in Europe, 2023

To make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.

4 min read
New wealth taxes in Europe 2023 European countries with a new wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2023

Instead of reforming and hiking the wealth tax, perhaps policymakers should consider whether the tax is serving its intended objectives, and, if not, consider repealing the tax altogether.

4 min read
Estate taxes, inheritance taxes, and gift taxes in Europe 2023

Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxes in Europe, 2023

As tempting as inheritance, estate, and gift taxes might look—especially when the OECD notes them as a way to reduce wealth inequality—their limited capacity to collect revenue and their negative impact on entrepreneurial activity, saving, and work should make policymakers consider their repeal instead of boosting them.

3 min read