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Revenue Gains in Asian and Pacific Countries Likely Offset by COVID-19
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic crisis, countries in the Asia-Pacific region will see a differentiated impact on their capacity of mobilizing domestic revenue depending on the structure of their economy. According to the OECD report, those economies that rely mostly on natural resources, tourism, and trade taxes are especially vulnerable.
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Tax Options to Promote Short-Term Recovery and Long-Term Economic Growth in Wisconsin
From a revenue standpoint, Wisconsin was better off than many states going into this crisis, but the policy decisions—including tax policy decisions—state policymakers make in the months ahead will have far-reaching implications for how quickly jobs and wages are restored in Wisconsin.
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Sources of Personal Income, Tax Year 2017
Reviewing the sources of personal income shows that the personal income tax is largely a tax on labor, primarily because our personal income is mostly derived from labor. However, varied sources of capital income also play a role in American incomes.
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Hungarian COVID-19 Response: Surtax for Banks and Retail
Hungary is the only EU state to have actually implemented COVID-19 tax hikes.
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State Forecasts Indicate $121 Billion 2-Year Tax Revenue Losses Compared to FY 2019
Revised state revenue forecasts show a significant decline in projected revenues for both the recently concluded FY 2020 and current FY 2021, though the picture they paint is considerably less dire than many feared a few months ago.
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Non-Profit Files Lawsuit over Withholding Requirements in Ohio
As work increasingly takes place in home offices, states will have to grapple with the revenue implications, and may find it necessary to adopt policies to better compete with outlying areas. Taxing people in places in which they no longer work, however, will not be the solution.
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Peruvian “Solidarity Tax” Unlikely to Offset Deficit Spending
While it is important that Peru find ways to offset its deficit spending, a temporary wealth tax may introduce more problems than it solves.
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