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Cristina Enache Tax Foundation

Cristina Enache


Cristina Enache writes on the economics of tax policy and is the author of the Spanish Regional Tax Competitiveness Index. She was formerly the Director of Research at Civismo, an economic research organization based in Spain. She also served as head of research at Institución Futuro, a regional think tank based in Navarra in northern Spain. She is also currently Secretary-General at the World Taxpayers Associations and General Manager of the Spanish Taxpayers Union, which she joined in 2016.

Cristina has a degree in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and a master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Navarra.

Latest Work

Top Personal Income Tax Rates in Europe 2023 Income Tax Rates or Individual Income Tax Rates

Top Personal Income Tax Rates in Europe, 2023

Denmark (55.9 percent), France (55.4 percent), and Austria (55 percent) have the highest top statutory personal income tax rates among European OECD countries.

2 min read
2023 VAT rates in Europe, 2023 VAT rates by country, 2023 value-added tax rates in Europe and 2023 value-added tax rates by country

VAT Rates in Europe, 2023

The EU countries with the highest standard VAT rates are Hungary (27 percent), Croatia, Denmark, and Sweden (all at 25 percent). Luxembourg levies the lowest standard VAT rate at 16 percent, followed by Malta (18 percent), Cyprus, Germany, and Romania (all at 19 percent).

4 min read
Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe including VAT gap and VAT revenue potential in Europe

Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe, 2023

Value-added taxes (VAT) make up approximately one-fifth of total tax revenues in Europe. However, European countries differ significantly in how efficiently they raise VAT revenues. One way to measure a country’s VAT efficiency is the VAT Gap.

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VAT Expansion and Labor Tax Cuts

Since VAT revenues are such a significant and stable contributor to overall government revenues, EU policymakers should pay particular attention to how efficiently those revenues are raised.

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Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2022

A new report shows that corporate tax rates around the world continue to level off. “We aren’t seeing a race to the bottom, we’re seeing a race toward the middle,” said Sean Bray, EU policy analyst at the Tax Foundation.

25 min read
Chile tax reform Chile income tax system, Taxes in chile

Chile’s Tax Reform Heads in the Wrong Direction

As Chile looks to the future, the accelerated deductions for capital investment costs should be extended and made permanent while unnecessary tax hikes on individuals and capital should be avoided. Policymakers should focus on growth-oriented tax policy that encourages investment, savings, and entrepreneurial activity, increasing Chile’s international tax competitiveness.

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Windfall tax Europe 2023 windfall profits taxes in EU windfall tax What European Countries Are Doing about Windfall Profit Taxes and Windfall Tax policies in Europe Bloomberg Tax

Windfall Profit Taxes in Europe, 2022

It’s unlikely these implemented and proposed windfall taxes will achieve their goals of addressing high gas and energy prices and raising additional revenues. They would more likely raise prices, penalize domestic production, and punitively target certain industries without a sound tax base.

9 min read
France social security contributions French workers upward mobility France marginal tax rates and France upward mobility

Lithuanian Model Could Help French Workers’ Upward Mobility

Reshaping some of these policies to generate a smoother variation of marginal tax rates over different income levels would likely raise labor supply and encourage the upward mobility of workers and especially that of average-income workers.

5 min read
2022 state income tax rates and brackets 2022 state individual income tax rates and brackets data map

Marginal Tax Rates and Economic Opportunity

Research has shown that spikes in tax rates can act as barriers to upward mobility. High marginal tax rates might directly influence the decisions workers make about accepting a raise, working additional hours, or whether they might remain on government benefits.

8 min read
Cigarette taxes in the EU cigarette tax rates EU tobacco Europe taxes

Cigarette Taxes in Europe, 2022

Ireland and France levy the highest excise duties on cigarettes in the EU, at €8.85 ($10.47) and €6.88 ($8.13) per 20-cigarette pack, respectively.

3 min read
EU windfall profits tax EU energy security EU fossil fuel EU presidency European Union presidency including Czech presidency Europe council EU VAT Rates: EU VAT Directive & EU Reduced VAT Rates

Europe Opened the Pandora Box of Reduced VAT Rates

With this new VAT directive, the EU has invited member states to adopt policies that create new complexities, are poorly targeted, and undermine an Own Resource.

5 min read
Wealth taxes in Europe 2022 net wealth tax countries. Which European countries have a wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2022

Only three European OECD countries levy a net wealth tax, namely Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.

3 min read