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European Union (EU)

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EU budget tax EU tax, excise state of mind, excise tax trend to fill budget gaps

The New EU Budget is Light on Details of Tax Proposals

The European Council recently agreed on a new multiannual budget and a recovery program, which sets EU budget levels for 2021-2027 totals €1 trillion (US $1.2 trillion). The lack of details on the various tax proposals and the eventual need for revenue sources to finance new EU debt mean there is a lot of work left for policymakers in Brussels to do.

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Germany tax, German EU presidency Germany EU presidency

Tax Policy Proposals for the German EU Presidency

While much of Germany’s EU presidency agenda is focused on policies to ensure economic stability and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a pair of tax proposals that the country is planning to develop and move forward at the EU level: a financial transaction tax and a minimum effective tax.

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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CBAM EU carbon border tax (EU carbon tax or carbon tariff)

EU: The Next Generation

The European Commission announced new budget plans including loans, grants, and some revenue offsets. The proposals follow other support mechanisms for workers and businesses that were designed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic shutdown.

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