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Who pays taxes? A complete measure of federal state local tax burden and government transfers (fiscal incidence) finds a US progressive fiscal system.

Interesting Interest Rates

Interest rates and tax policy, two vital components of our economic landscape, often interact in fascinating ways. They influence the behavior of individuals, businesses, and governments. But how exactly?

IRS budget increase IRS technology modernization and IRS funding for IRS e-filing electronic tax filing

IRS Funding and Technology

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finds itself under fire often. Outdated technology, millions of unanswered calls, and cafeterias full of paper returns—it’s clear that America’s tax collector needs improvement. Jesse is joined by Courtney Kay-Decker and Jared Ballew, chair and vice chair (respectively) of the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC). They discuss ETAAC’s annual report that lays out what the IRS is doing right, and what it’s doing wrong, as the agency continues to see its duties grow.

It Pays to Keep It Simple including for Tax Compliance and Tax Revenue in the form of Tax Simplicity

It Pays to Keep It Simple

Simplicity in the tax code means taxes should be easy for taxpayers to pay and easy for governments to administer and collect.

Biden capital gains tax rate proposal historical context of capital gains tax proposal under Biden tax plan

Joe Biden’s Tax Plan Explained

Depending on the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, we could be looking at a very different tax code in the years to come. What tax changes has former Vice President Joe Biden proposed and what would they mean for U.S. taxpayers, businesses, and the overall economy?