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2024 Tax Relief Act Saving Americans Dwindling Savings-01

Saving Americans’ Dwindling Savings

Americans are saving less. While the U.S. saving rate has regularly lagged behind its peers, it has yet to return to pre-pandemic levels. Increasingly, people are turning to credit cards to fill the gaps in their budgets.

Biden semiconductor CHIPS Act subsidies in the Chips and Science Act

Semiconducting Tax Policy

If you’ve read any headlines in the last few months, you’ve no doubt heard about the semiconductor shortage gripping global supply chain—and if you’ve tried to buy anything from a toaster to a car, you’ve witnessed it firsthand. But what’s really driving today’s crisis, can the U.S. manufacture its way out of it, and what role does tax and economic policy have to play in all this?

Biden state of the union address 2023 tax proposals stock buybacks tax billionaire minimum tax expanded child tax credit

State of the Union Reaction 2023

President Biden shared his policy aspirations during the State of the Union address, outlining three tax proposals in his remarks: quadrupling the brand-new excise tax on stock buybacks, instituting a “billionaire minimum tax,” and extending the now-lapsed expanded Child Tax Credit. We discuss the prospects of major tax changes becoming law in a divided government and what these proposals signal about how President Biden thinks about tax policy as he enters the latter half of his first term.

State digital taxes and state digital tax proposals, digital advertising tax proposals

States Consider Digital Taxes Amidst Conflicting Rationales

Across the U.S., policymakers of both parties have developed a strong interest in taxing large technology companies through digital advertising taxes, social media taxes, and data taxes. Join Tax Foundation’s Daniel Bunn and Jared Walczak as they untangle the complex and sometimes contradictory world of state digital taxes.