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A carbon tax explained

A Carbon Tax, Explained

Every policy has trade-offs, but a well-designed carbon tax has the potential to protect the environment without harming consumers, jobs, or businesses.

A Journey Through Germany’s Tax Laws

Get ready to hit the autobahn and explore the world of German taxes! We’ll navigate the complexities of Germany’s tax structure.

Twelve Days of Christmas 12 Days of Christmas tax edition

All I Want for Christmas is EU: Understanding Tax Policy in Brussels

When it comes to international economic competition, people often frame the argument as the U.S. versus China. But across the Atlantic, nation-states in the European Union have been working hard to show the world that they deserve to be considered an economic force. Rising up to this challenge for the EU is easier said than done.

An Introduction of History of Taxes Video TaxEDU

An Introduction to the History of Taxes

Taxes have played a major role throughout history, and even date back to around 5,000 years ago. Taxes will continue to affect our lives and shape our societies just like they have for thousands of years.

GILTI: Foreign Tax, Local Impact

Since only U.S. businesses pay the GILTI tax, not foreign businesses, it makes U.S.-based brands less competitive abroad. Whatever its intentions, GILTI is a flawed policy, and doubling down on it will hurt us abroad, and at home.

It Pays to Keep It Simple including for Tax Compliance and Tax Revenue in the form of Tax Simplicity

It Pays to Keep It Simple

Simplicity in the tax code means taxes should be easy for taxpayers to pay and easy for governments to administer and collect.

Launching Tax Foundation Europe

Launching Tax Foundation Europe

As the world of tax policy becomes more interconnected, the Tax Foundation is stepping up, recognizing the pressing need for informed and principled tax policy education in an ever-evolving landscape.

Not All Taxes Are Created Equal Tax Types Video

Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

Discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. That’s because no two taxes impact the economy the same.