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La misión de Tax Foundation Europe es mejorar la vida de las personas a través de políticas fiscales que generen oportunidades y fomenten el crecimiento económico. Nuestros expertos analizan continuamente los temas de política fiscal más relevantes del día y se recurre a ellos de forma rutinaria para presentaciones, testimonios y apariciones en los medios.

Expertos de la Tax Foundation Europe

  • Daniel Bunn Tax Foundation President & CEO

    Daniel Bunn

    President and CEO

    Daniel Bunn is President and CEO of the Tax Foundation. Daniel has been with the organization since 2018 and, prior to becoming President, successfully built its Center for Global Tax Policy, expanding the Tax Foundation’s reach and impact around the world. Prior to joining the Tax Foundation, Daniel worked in the United States Senate at the Joint Economic Committee.

  • Sean Bray Tax Foundation and Tax Foundation Europe

    Sean Bray

    Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe

    Sean Bray is Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe, where he researches international tax issues with a focus on tax policy in Europe. Prior to joining the Tax Foundation, Sean Bray worked in the United States Senate on tech, telecom, and trade policy.

  • Cecilia Perez Weigel Tax Foundation

    Cecilia Perez Weigel

    Public Affairs Manager of Tax Foundation Europe

    As Public Affairs Manager of Tax Foundation Europe, Cecilia Perez Weigel focuses on international and European tax issues. She holds a joint master’s degree in transatlantic affairs from the College of Europe in Bruges and the Fletcher School in Boston and a master’s degree in European regulation from Sciences Po Paris.

  • Alex Mengden Tax Foundation

    Alex Mengden

    Global Policy Analyst

    Alex Mengden is a Policy Analyst at the Tax Foundation, where he focuses on international tax issues and tax policy in Europe. He holds a BA in philosophy and economics from the University of Bayreuth and expects an MSc in economics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

  • Cristina Enache writes on the economics of tax policy and is the author of the Spanish Regional Tax Competitiveness Index. She was formerly the Director of Research at Civismo, an economic research organization based in Spain. She also served as head of research at Institución Futuro, a regional think tank based in Navarra in northern Spain. She is also currently Secretary-General at the World Taxpayers Associations and General Manager of the Spanish Taxpayers Union, which she joined in 2016.

Unete a nuestro equipo

Únase a uno de los think tanks sobre políticas más eficaces del mundo. Sea parte de un equipo talentoso y dinámico apasionado por trabajar con formuladores de políticas de ambos lados del pasillo para mejorar vidas a través de políticas fiscales más inteligentes.

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Junta Directiva de la Tax Foundation Europe

Consejo Académico de la Tax Foundation Europe