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  • Sarah Wilbur Tax Foundation

    Sarah Wilbur

    Communications Manager

    Sarah Wilbur is Communications Manager at the Tax Foundation where she advances the organization’s institutional reach by developing its corporate communications and media programs.

  • Cecilia Perez Weigel Tax Foundation

    Cecilia Perez Weigel

    Public Affairs Manager of Tax Foundation Europe

    As Public Affairs Manager of Tax Foundation Europe, Cecilia Perez Weigel focuses on international and European tax issues. She holds a joint master’s degree in transatlantic affairs from the College of Europe in Bruges and the Fletcher School in Boston and a master’s degree in European regulation from Sciences Po Paris.

Contacto legislativo

  • Sean Bray Tax Foundation and Tax Foundation Europe

    Sean Bray

    Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe

    Sean Bray is Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe, where he researches international tax issues with a focus on tax policy in Europe. Prior to joining the Tax Foundation, Sean Bray worked in the United States Senate on tech, telecom, and trade policy.

Solicitar un experto

Los expertos de Tax Foundation Europe analizan la actualidad diaria continuamente y por ello están constantemente invitados a realizar presentaciones, comparecencias públicas o entrevistas en los medios de comunicación.

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