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Not All Taxes Are Created Equal Tax Types Video

Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

Discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. That’s because no two taxes impact the economy the same.

2023 state tax changes taking effect july 1

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2023

At least 32 notable tax policy changes recently took effect across 18 states, including alterations to income taxes, payroll taxes, sales and use taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes. See if your state tax code changed.

16 min read
Texas property tax relief and Texas property tax reform explore Texas property taxes

Texas Lawmakers Should Deliver Principled Property Tax Relief

Texas’s robust surpluses create an opportunity to use state funds to lower local property taxes. However, it remains important for legislators to pursue a principled approach to rate compression, rather than enacting a plan that will simply shift the tax burden in nonneutral ways.

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New wealth taxes in Europe 2023 European countries with a new wealth tax

Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2023

Instead of reforming and hiking the wealth tax, perhaps policymakers should consider whether the tax is serving its intended objectives, and, if not, consider repealing the tax altogether.

4 min read
Guide to property taxes Andrey Popov comp 2

Close to Home: A Short Guide to Property Taxes

As housing prices are rapidly increasing, and property tax bills along with them, the property tax has come into the spotlight in many states. The design of a state’s property tax system can affect how attractive that state is to businesses and residents.

9 min read
West Virginia tax relief plan includes Governor Justice tax cut and West Virginia tax reform proposals

West Virginia Lawmakers Reach Deal on Tax Relief

In a day and age when businesses and individuals alike are increasingly mobile, West Virginians can be relieved that their state is getting off the sideline and into the action.

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state tax inflation response like state tax rebates and tax holidays to combat inflation Federal tax collections inflation surging 2022

State Tax Policy as an Inflation Response

At the end of 2022, prices were 14.6 percent higher than they were two years prior. That’s the fastest inflation rate over any two calendar years since the stagflation era of the late 1970s. State policymakers are understandably interested in bringing any tools at their disposal to bear on the problem. And many of them are reaching for tax policy solutions.

7 min read
Iowa tax reform including Iowa property tax reform Governor Kim Reynolds

Iowa Proposal to Rein in Property Taxes Misses the Mark

On the heels of adopting one of the most comprehensive state tax reform packages in years, Iowa lawmakers are back in Des Moines with property tax relief in their sights. But while the issue is worthy of their attention, House File 1 (HF 1) as currently drafted misses the mark.

4 min read