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TaxEDU Europe Podcast

Welcome to The Deduction, a Tax Foundation podcast and your guide to the complicated world of tax and economics.

From the impacts of tariffs and trade wars to debates over who pays and how much, each episode, our experts untangle another aspect of the tax code.



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A Journey Through Germany’s Tax Laws

Get ready to hit the autobahn and explore the world of German taxes! We’ll navigate the complexities of Germany’s tax structure.

Launching Tax Foundation Europe

Launching Tax Foundation Europe

As the world of tax policy becomes more interconnected, the Tax Foundation is stepping up, recognizing the pressing need for informed and principled tax policy education in an ever-evolving landscape.

Inflation Reduction Act green energy tax credits including clean vehicle credit and clean electricity tax credit

Tax Ideas for the EU Green Transition

The past few years have brought a renewed push from countries across the globe to combat climate change. In the European Union, policymakers have put a timeline on their climate agenda. By 2050, the EU wants to achieve a net-zero economy. Sean Bray, director of European policy, breaks down how much it would cost to achieve this goal.

Global excise tax trends and global excise tax applications data and research on excise taxes

Exploring Excise Tax Trends

The tax base around the world is shrinking for traditional excise taxes, including taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and motor fuel. But newer excise taxes on things like carbon, cannabis, and ride-sharing are on the rise. What makes a good design for these taxes and where may excise taxes go in the future as the traditional “sin tax” base continues to shrink?

Twelve Days of Christmas 12 Days of Christmas tax edition

All I Want for Christmas is EU: Understanding Tax Policy in Brussels

When it comes to international economic competition, people often frame the argument as the U.S. versus China. But across the Atlantic, nation-states in the European Union have been working hard to show the world that they deserve to be considered an economic force. Rising up to this challenge for the EU is easier said than done.

The UK’s Tax Battles, Part One: How We Got Here

This episode of The Deduction is part one in our ongoing coverage of the UK’s tax battles. Jesse chats with Tom Clougherty, research director and head of tax at the Centre for Policy Studies in London about what went down in the UK this fall: from the leadership elections to the countless U-turns the new prime minister has made to try and reform the country’s tax code.

international debt sharing, debt financing, market value of a firm, lend money

Global Deal or No Deal

On July 1st, 2021, over 130 countries agreed to an unprecedented 15% global minimum tax. One year later, the deal appears stuck. Daniel Bunn joins Jesse to discuss what this delay means for countries and multinational corporations, and what the path ahead looks like for global tax policy and competition.

Carbon tax revenue recycling for border-adjusted carbon tax border adjustments Taxing Big Oil Profiteers Act Wyden excess profits tax oil and gas companies Carbon Tax definition, Carbon Emissions, CO2 Emissions, Global Temperatures, Climate Change, AOC, Ocasio-Cortez, Green New Deal, energy, environomental, payroll tax cut

Windfall Profits Taxes?

Oil prices have skyrocketed, posing a new risk to the post-pandemic recovery. Feeling the pressure to respond, policymakers have proposed everything from gas tax holidays, tapping into strategic reserves, and even rebate cards. One idea that has crawled back from the dead: “Windfall Profits Taxes.” This idea is seemingly simple: legislation targeted at the “excess” profits of oil companies. However, as with anything in tax policy, the reality is much more complicated.

Clearing up Carbon Taxes

Amidst bipartisan climate negotiations on Capitol Hill, there have been renewed calls for a carbon tax. Carbon taxes have long been magnets for political controversy. But from an economic standpoint, they deserve to be taken seriously. Here’s why.

OECD harmful tax practices, FHTP, OECD BEPS, OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Let’s Make a Global Tax Deal

Late last year, over 130 countries agreed to a global minimum tax, a purported end-all and be-all to the “race to the bottom.” But this policy is complex, and countries are already struggling to implement these new rules. We talk through how this policy came to be, identify where problems are beginning to arise, and dispel some common myths about this emerging new tax system.

European and G7 countries and a Comparison of their Cross-Border Effective Average Tax Rates

G7 Agrees to Global Minimum Tax

One of the hottest topics in the tax world today is the recent announcement by G7 finance ministers that they would support enacting a new, 15-percent global minimum tax. We dive into the economic and political implications and how such a tax would impact global economies, revenues, and real people.

International Tax Reform Options, GILTI

Pleading GILTI: A Guide to the Complicated World of Global Intangible Low Tax Income

On this episode of The Deduction, we speak with Pam Olson, Tax Foundation Board Member and Consultant on Tax Policy Services at PwC, about the tax on Global Intangible Low Tax Income, or “GILTI.” In 2017, GILTI was implemented as a minimum tax designed to disincentivize U.S. companies from shifting profits overseas, but it doesn’t work how drafters intended, and now President Biden has proposed doubling it.

Excise Taxes, 2021 Excise Tax Rates and 2021 Excise Tax Trends

The World of Excise Taxation

Marijuana, betting, soda, ride-sharing—over the last decade, the excise tax family has grown significantly and it’s more crucial than ever that lawmakers, businesses, and consumers understand the possibilities and, more importantly, limitations of excise tax application.

What are tariffs? who bears the burden of tariffs?

Understanding Tariffs

Depending on your perspective, tariffs are either a great way to tax countries like China for their protectionist trade policies or they are a big reason why all those imported toys, clothing and holiday gifts cost more than you expected. You’ll learn what tariffs are, how they function, and how they can impact the domestic U.S. economy.

Digital tax debate, Digital taxes around the world, Digital economy taxes

Digital Services Taxes

Over the last several years, policymakers in countries around the world have groped for new ways to tax e-commerce, social media, cloud-based, and other online businesses, in some cases stoking major international trade disputes in the process. In this episode of The Deduction, we explore the “digital services tax” (DST), one new and increasingly popular policy designed to address the digital economy.

utpr pillar two us tax base oecd global minimum tax ways and means jason smith

Corporate Tax Rates Around the World

What is driving the downward trend in corporate tax rates and will it continue? Is it truly a race to the bottom? Why do corporate tax rates matter in the first place? How does the U.S. rate compare and could that change in the coming years?