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Sean Bray Tax Foundation and Tax Foundation Europe

Sean Bray

Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe

Sean Bray is Vice President of Global Projects at Tax Foundation and Policy Director of Tax Foundation Europe, where he researches international tax issues with a focus on tax policy in Europe.

Prior to joining the Tax Foundation, Sean Bray worked in the United States Senate on tech, telecom, and trade policy. He also interned at the European Parliament during Brexit and has experience establishing European chapters of a transatlantic think tank network based out of Yale.

Sean has a master’s degree in European Political and Governance Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, a master’s degree in International Public Affairs from the La Follette School of Public Affairs, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sean is fluent in French and tries his best to speak German at a B2 level. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife and child.

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Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2022

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Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2021

A new report shows that corporate tax rates around the world continue to level off. “We aren’t seeing a race to the bottom, we’re seeing a race toward the middle,” said Sean Bray, global policy analyst at the Tax Foundation.

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