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Daniel Bunn Tax Foundation President & CEO

Daniel Bunn

President and CEO

Daniel Bunn is President and CEO of the Tax Foundation. Daniel has been with the organization since 2018 and, prior to becoming President, successfully built its Center for Global Tax Policy, expanding the Tax Foundation’s reach and impact around the world.

Prior to joining the Tax Foundation, Daniel worked in the United States Senate at the Joint Economic Committee as part of Senator Mike Lee’s (R-UT) Social Capital Project and on the policy staff for both Senator Lee and Senator Tim Scott (R-SC). In his time in the Senate, Daniel developed legislative initiatives on tax, trade, regulatory, and budget policy.

He has a master’s degree in Economic Policy from Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from North Greenville University in South Carolina.

Daniel lives in Halethorpe, Maryland, with his wife and their three children.

Latest Work

Since 2017 tax reform, US corporate tax expenditures are about average in the OECD. Reuters us corporate tax in line with foreign rivals

Will FDII Stay or Will it Go?

While the Biden administration has certainly proposed to remove FDII, it is not clear that Congress is on board with that approach.

5 min read
Flag and buildings, corporate taxation, double taxation

Piling on the GILTI Verdicts

The Biden administration has proposed to significantly increase the tax burden on foreign income through a policy known as Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI). While the administration’s rhetoric focuses on doubling the tax rate on GILTI from 10.5 percent to 21 percent, this is less than half the story.

5 min read
Major changes for US companaies earning profits from Ireland Double Irish structure Irish tax haven royalty payments from Ireland Double irish structure royalty payments from ireland New Research Shows Major Changes for U.S. Companies Earning Profits from Ireland tax haven

New Research Shows Major Changes for U.S. Companies Earning Profits from Ireland

New data show that the recent policy changes that have been implemented by the U.S., Ireland, and dozens of other countries are having an impact. The question for policymakers is whether they will take the time to understand these impacts before jumping to the next project to change international tax rules yet again.

3 min read
European and G7 countries and a Comparison of their Cross-Border Effective Average Tax Rates

Carve-ins and Carve-outs: Open Questions for Global Tax Reform

There has been some confusion about how some parts of the recent G7 agreement on new tax rules for multinational companies might work. The new policies would target the largest and most profitable multinationals and bring in a global minimum tax.

5 min read
Biden GILTI Biden global minimum tax Biden US global minimum taxBiden international tax Us corporate tax, US tax, corporate income tax, new investment

Two Important Issues that Must Be Resolved in “Global Tax Reform”

If the U.S. is suggesting a 15 percent effective rate as the minimum acceptable rate for a global agreement, then the tax bases of the various minimum taxes adopted as part of the agreement should be aligned to minimize complexities and unintended consequences.

5 min read
GILTI by country not as simple

GILTI by Country Is Not as Simple as it Seems

If policymakers want a recipe to dramatically expand the complexity of U.S. international tax rules and the burden on U.S. multinational businesses, then a tax on foreign earnings calculated at the country level would be the way to do it. Alternatively, policymakers could focus on mitigating the unintended consequences of GILTI and other recent international tax rules.

5 min read
Australia budget 2021 to 2022 Australia budget tax proposals and Australia tax proposals in new budget lessons from down under

Tax Policy Lessons from Down Under

This week the Australian government released its latest budget proposal and two policies that stand out in its fiscal response to the pandemic should be helpful as the economic engine of the country turns back on. The first is full expensing for some investments and the second is the introduction of a loss carryback provision. The new budget takes both these temporary policies and extends them into 2023.

2 min read
OECD Pillar 1 Amount A proposal OECD Secretariat, OECD unified approach pillar 1, OECD pillar 1, OECD international tax, OECD unified approach digital tax, OECD multinational businesses, OECD digital tax

Recent Analysis Explores Pillar 1 Risks and the Potential for Disputes

As countries move closer to agreement on how the OECD Pillar 1 Amount A will work and which companies will be impacted by it, it is incredibly important for policymakers to continue to evaluate not just the intended effects but also the potential unintended consequences.

6 min read
intellectual property IP tax GILTI FDII global minimum tax Biden tax patent boxes impact business, patent boxes, software, intellectual property tax

The Balancing Act of GILTI and FDII

The tax treatment of intangible assets has come into the spotlight recently with the Biden administration proposing to undo a policy adopted in 2017 to encourage intellectual property (IP) to be located in the U.S.

6 min read
U.S. Effective Corporate Tax Rate Is Right in Line With Its OECD Peers President Biden infrastructure plan Biden corporate tax proposals

U.S. Effective Corporate Tax Rate Is Right in Line With Its OECD Peers

Whether we use corporate tax collections as a portion of GDP, average effective tax rates, or marginal tax rates, each measure shows that the U.S. effective corporate tax burden is close to or above the average compared to its OECD peers. Raising corporate income taxes would put the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage, whether one looks at statutory tax rates or effective corporate tax rates.

4 min read
UK tax reform, 2021 budget UK 2021 budget, UK corporate tax reform, UK corporation tax rate

Marginal Effective Tax Rates and the 2021 UK Budget

The 2021 UK budget introduces a two-year super-deduction of 130 percent for plant and equipment and a delayed corporate tax rate increase from 19 percent to 25 percent in 2023. These policies have differential impacts on marginal effective tax rates for different assets, implying investment incentives will not be uniform.

15 min read
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offshoring Controlled Foreign Corporation rules around the world CFC rules US CFC rules passive foreign investment companies, PFICs GILTI, global minimum tax

TCJA Is Not GILTI of Offshoring

Many members of Congress have taken issue with the 2017 tax reform. However, the reasoning that has led some to believe that GILTI provides a path to offshoring investment and jobs is flawed.

6 min read