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Nevada Legislators and Businesses File Lawsuit Challenging Tax Increases
The Nevada constitution protects taxpayers by making it more difficult for legislators to raise public revenue. The Nevada courts should uphold this protection not just in theory but also in practice.
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Unclear if Warren’s Wealth Tax Proposal is Constitutional
There is a chance that Senator Warren’s proposed wealth tax would be found unconstitutional, but opinions are mixed and the precedents go both ways.
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Cyber Monday, Post-Wayfair Edition
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Post-Wayfair Options for States
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Evaluating the SALT Deduction Constitutional Challenge
Four states have brought a lawsuit against the federal tax bill claiming that its $10,000 cap on the state-local deduction is unconstitutional. Here’s why the lawsuit has little merit.
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What Does the Wayfair Decision Really Mean for States, Businesses, and Consumers?
Various interpretations of the recent Wayfair decision from the U.S. Supreme Court has led to confusion about its impact for online sellers and consumers. We clear up that confusion with this Q&A.
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Supreme Court Decides Wayfair Online Sales Tax Case
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair. Thirty-one states that currently tax internet sales will be impacted.
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New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut v. the United States: A Preview of the SALT Limit Constitutional Challenge
The threatened lawsuit may be more a political exercise than a legal one, as a judge is unlikely to rule that the SALT deduction cap violates either the Equal Protection Clause or the Tenth Amendment
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The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a case on the constitutionality of a South Dakota law requiring internet vendors collect online sales tax, but should Congress fix the problem first?
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Tax Foundation Brief in Wayfair Online Sales Tax Case: SCOTUS Should Set Meaningful Limits on State Taxing Power
In the South Dakota v. Wayfair online sales tax case, the U.S. Supreme Court should ensure that state sales tax laws don’t burden interstate commerce.
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New York Taxpayers Must Pay for Ill-Advised Lawsuit Seeking Tax Cuts for Wealthiest Residents
New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are pursuing a questionable legal strategy to overturn the cap on a federal tax deduction that benefits the wealthy.
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