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76 Results
Trump reciprocal tariffs EU VAT The European VAT is Not a Discriminatory Tax Against US Exports

The European VAT is Not a Discriminatory Tax Against US Exports

The Trump administration appears to be moving in a “reciprocal” policy direction despite the significant negative economic consequences for American consumers of across-the-board tariffs on goods coming into the US. However, the EU’s VAT system should not be used as a justification for retaliatory tariffs.

6 min read
EU VAT policy including EU VAT revenue and EU VAT compliance report

The EU’s Questionable VAT Policy

In a recent survey regarding companies’ barriers to conducting business in the EU single market, VAT ranked first. Policymakers should invest in reforming VAT systems to close both compliance and policy gaps in ways that improve the overall efficiency of their tax systems.

7 min read
United Kingdom UK windfall taxes energy oil and gas

Are Windfall Taxes Becoming the New Normal in the UK?

Even though energy prices have declined from their recent peak, the United Kingdom is one of the few countries in Europe continuing to rely on windfall profits taxes to support households with the rising cost of living.

4 min read
Hungary EU presidency tax reform and tax policies

Tax Files under New Council of EU Presidency: Hungary

As Hungary takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in the aftermath of the European elections, the relationship between tax policy and Europe’s competitiveness will be closely linked.

6 min read
UK full expensing and UK capital allowances tax reform and priorities

Understanding Full Expensing in the United Kingdom

Given the positive contribution of full expensing to economic growth and that the UK already incurred the peak-year costs due to the existing policy, it is imperative to maintain it permanently.

5 min read
Portugal property tax reform and Portugal transfer tax reform

Property and Transfer Tax: If It Moves, Stop Taxing It.

Portugal’s turnover tax on real property transfers places a serious drag on economic growth by making it harder for people to relocate for better jobs and living conditions while constraining investment into the development of housing and buildings.

5 min read
Portugal VAT tax reform options

Mind the Gap, Please! How Portugal Could Reform Its VAT System

Portugal’s value-added tax (VAT) policy is a treasure trove of tax oddities. Thankfully, VAT base broadening is an ideal instrument to give the Portuguese government the fiscal room to implement pro-growth tax reforms

5 min read